Becket Board of Health
Present: William Fuller
William Robinson
Ginger Conner
The meeting was opened at 7:00 PM. The 12/02/09 minutes and the 12/9/09 Department Payments to Treasurer were approved.
The Conservation Commission Agenda for 12/17/09 was noted without comment on any agenda item.
A NACCHO (National Association of County and City Health Officials) statement on “Protecting the Public’s Health from Disease, Disaster, and Bioterrorism” was shared with members. A ranking of states on basic health items show Massachusetts to rank high among the states.
Revised plans for three proposed septic systems were submitted for review. One was changed upon recommendations from the Conservation Commission. A second changed the angle of the installed field to make better use of the topographical elements. The third corrected the location so that it would be within the property lines established by a survey of the property.
Title 5 Inspections were approved at 293 Winter Drive (219/79) and 296 Sherwood Drive (215/202).
A Percolation Test for 2226 Main Street (209/1.1) was approved.
The H1N1 Clinic was discussed and plans subject to vaccine availability are being made to schedule additional clinics.
The request for a search warrant at 271 Jester’s Lane was lost by the Housing Court. A follow-up is planned.
Respectfully submitted:
William S. Fuller